Our Aim
The CHUMS Early Intervention Hub is part of a larger national project evaluating what early intervention support works in the community.
The CHUMS Early Intervention Hub is a community-based team providing support to children/young people and young adults aged 11-25 in Central Bedfordshire, Bedford Borough and Luton. Our aim is to work collaboratively with other agencies within the Hub to provide the right support at the right time. Whilst the service is accessible, we are funded to focus on targeting support for individuals, where there may be a lack of support services e.g:
Being from an ethnic minority
A child in care or a care leaver
Having additional needs relating to SEND
Needing support engaging with education, employment or training
Who are we
The team comprises of a mixture of staff with a variety of skills, including: qualified therapists, IAPT and recreational practitioners, family workers and we work closely with staff in our other services to a provide whole community approach for Early Intervention.
What we offer
We aim to help families make sense of their difficulties and work with them to provide a psychological toolkit of strategies that can be used in everyday life. This team uses active outreach and creative approaches to engage with the needs of our communities. The support offer: workshops, wellbeing consultations for children Young People /Young Adults and group work using evidence-based programmes. The team offer a range of support dependent on the needs of the individual and if we are not able to provide support directly we will make sure that we help connect with the right agency.
Psychoeducation workshops include but are not limited to:
Exam Stress
Mental Health awareness and Stigma: Social Media, Male Mental Health, Puberty, Identity and emotional wellbeing
Parental separation & Emotional Wellbeing
Recreational workshops
These are creative workshops based on CBT principles and using music/multi-sport/creative arts to engage individuals that might struggle with a talking based approach to support the difficulties that they are facing. These may also include a healthy lifestyle theme or other target areas in agreement with local agencies.
Groups include:
Anxiety support to reach your goal
Managing emotions with an ASC
Engaging with Education and Employment
Multi-sports (Tactics) or music-based (Encore) group programmes for children, young people or young adults who would benefit from support for managing mild difficulties with their emotions including anger and frustration, worry, isolation, stress, low self-esteem, and low confidence.
Wellbeing consultations and drop-ins
Consultations are 20/30-minute direct conversations with a young person (or parent / carer if aged 11-15) / young adult to identify what is affecting their wellbeing and provide advice/guidance and collaborative signposting into CHUMS or other services. These can be booked via an online referral or as part of a drop-in in the community, which will be regularly scheduled.
Community events
The CHUMS Early Intervention Hub staff will attend a range of community events to raise awareness, promote the service and provide brief advice, guidance, and signposting.
Professionals referral guidance
As a service we accept referrals and enquiries from professionals working in Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire and Luton. We would like to work together to provide a calendar of accessible events across the county including workshops, group work and attendance at local events and community drop-ins for 11-25 year olds. If you are holding an event and would like someone from the team to attend please email: fwteam@chums.uk.com and we will contact you.
Please complete a professional referral form or email: fwteam@chums.uk.com to enquire about setting up or referring into an established workshop/group/drop-in.
Please note we have a small amount of 1:1 brief (approx 6-8 sessions) goal focussed support available via our trainees for professionals to refer into:
Parent led anxiety support
Parent led behaviour management
Teenage anxiety support
Teenage low mood support
The criteria for support from our trainees can be found on our leaflets in the downloads section. Sadly, the trainees cannot support young people and young adults that require urgent / emergency care or those who require significant adaptations to support. Please refer to your statutory agencies for urgent or emergency care or specialised support.
Parent/carers referral guidance
We accept referrals from:
Parent/carers of children and young people aged 11-15
Or parent/carers supporting young people and young adults aged 16-25 to make a referral.
Please complete a parent/carer referral form to refer into an established workshop/group or book a wellbeing consultation.
Young people and young adults referral guidance
We accept referrals from:
Young people and young adults aged 11-25 in Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire and Luton. For children aged 11-15 years old we require that a parent makes the referral with the child or young person.
Please complete a young person referral form to refer into an established workshop/group or book a wellbeing consultation.
Request CHUMS
Workshops |
Groups |
Wellbeing Consultation |
Professional |
Parent/carer |
Young Person / Young adult aged 11-16 with parental knowledge |
Young Person / Young adult aged 16-25 |
Request CHUMS
Workshops |
Groups |
Wellbeing Consultation
Professional |
Parent/carer |
Young Person / Young adult
Young Person / Young adult
Although the service supports Children young people and young adults’ wellbeing needs, we advise those who need immediate and/urgent support to seek help from either their GP and/or emergency services (A&E, 111 option 2, Samaritans/Childline, Crisis support)
Transition Workshops
One-off psychoeducation workshops that provides anxiety /behavioural strategies based on guided self-help, to help children with transitions to new schools / reintegration back to school. Parents and young people can attend – These are run virtually via Microsoft Teams and last around 2 hours.
Please complete a referral form at the bottom of this page, stating your interest in the ‘Transition workshops’ and the date you want to attend.
Transition Workshop |
Date |
Time |
Type |
Workshop 1 |
12/08/2024 |
09:30 – 11:30am |
Primary – Secondary |
Workshop 2 |
14/08/2024 |
16:00 – 18:00pm |
Lower – Middle |
Workshop 3 |
16/08/2024 |
09:30 – 11:30am |
Middle – Upper |
Workshop 4 |
21/08/2024 |
16:00 – 18:00pm |
Primary – Secondary |
Workshop 5 |
22/08/24 |
09:30 – 11:30am |
Lower – Middle |
Workshop 6 |
23/08/24 |
16:00 – 18:00pm |
Middle – Upper |