Proud to be shortlisted for the UK’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Awards 2022

The Trauma Service supports children in Bedfordshire and Luton who have been affected by distressing events, such as sexual abuse, domestic abuse, assault or witnessing an accident. We support children and young people who have experienced a death of someone they knew in a traumatic way, like murder, suicide or other sudden death. We are also working with child refugees or asylum seekers to help them

sort out the upsetting events they have experienced as they fled their home country to come to the UK. Following such experiences, children and young people may show signs of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).  Children may experience upsetting memories that seem to play over and over in their minds and can cause changes in mood, behavioural problems, anxiety, and disturb their sleep.


The Trauma Service aims to deliver the most effective treatment based on the available clinical and research evidence.  Currently, we offer Trauma-focused CBT, EMDR, Art therapy and integrative therapy. We continually monitor and evaluate the service we provide.


To make a referral to this service, please complete the appropriate referral form at the bottom of this page. A decision will then be made by CHUMS practitioners as to whether the young person is appropriate for the specialist Trauma service. We would usually then get in contact to discuss the best way to support you.

Find out about what we offer in this video, made with children who have been supported by CHUMS Trauma Service.

What is Psychological Trauma?

A psychological trauma can occur when you have experienced either a single event, long lasting event, or repeated events that are so overwhelming that it affects your ability to cope or make sense of what happened.  Examples of traumatic events include:

  • Serious accidents, e.g. road traffic collision

  • Loss and grief issues

  • Being told you have a life threatening (terminal) illness

  • Physical, emotional or sexual abuse

  • Neglect

  • Natural or man-made disasters

  • Being taken hostage

  • Bullying

How You May React

Typical reactions that you may feel after a traumatic event include:

  • Constantly thinking about the event.

  • Images of the events keep coming into your mind (known as flashbacks).

  • Difficulty sleeping and/or nightmares.

  • Changes in how you feel emotionally, e.g. frightened, depressed, anxious, angry.

  • Avoiding certain situations that remind you of the event.

  • Feeling numb, stunned, shocked, or dazed and having difficulties connecting with life around you.

  • Denial that the event happened.

  • Concentration and memory problems.

Everyone has different ways of responding to events. In other words, what one individual finds traumatic after an event, another person may not find distressing

How You May Feel

You may feel a wide range of emotions, including:

Angry – in relation to what happened to you and with the person who was responsible.

Guilty – that you think you could or should have done something to prevent what happened (that you feel you were to blame), or that you survived when others suffered or died.

Frightened – that the same event may happen again or that you feel you are unable to cope with your feelings; that you are not in control of what is going on in your life.

Helpless – that you were unable to do something about what happened.

Sad – that the trauma happened or that someone was injured or killed, especially if you knew them.

Ashamed or Embarrassed by what happened and that you feel you cannot tell anyone about it.

In most cases, the emotional reactions get better over the days and weeks that follow a trauma.

However, in some cases the effects of a trauma can be longer lasting and continue for months and even years after the event.

Receiving the appropriate type of support can help you come to terms with the traumatic experience so that it does not continue to affect you for the rest of your life.

What You Can Do For Yourself

  • At the beginning it is a good idea to allow yourself time to adjust and come to terms with what has happened. You may need to grieve for someone you have lost and process what has happened to you.

  • It can help to find out more details of what happened and where relevant, to talk through the event with other survivors and discuss the feelings you have.

  • Talking through the event with a supportive family member or friend at your own pace can be beneficial.

  • Try and get back into a routine with your sleeping and eating.

If you identify particular times in the day that are more distressing, it could help to try and distract yourself at these times with a positive activity.  Ideas include:

  • Talking or phoning someone

  • Watching TV or being on a computer

  • Doing exercise

  • Playing a game or doing a hobby

  • Writing down what you are thinking or feeling.

What Not To Do

• Do not keep your feelings to yourself or bottle them up. Find someone supportive that you can trust to share these feelings with (family members, friends, teachers).
• Do not overburden yourself with other activities. Take some time to look after yourself and nurture yourself.
• It is not advisable to use drugs or alcohol as a way of coping as this can make symptoms worse.

Helping Children After a Traumatic Event

You may notice changes in your child’s behaviour or feelings, which can vary dependant on different ages and stages of development.

Some examples of typical responses may include:

Age 5 and Under

Age 6 to 11

Age 12 to 17

  • Show signs of fear

  • Lose interest in friends, family, and fun activities

  • Have flashbacks to the event, nightmares, or other sleep problems

  • Cling to parent or caregiver

  • Have nightmares or other sleep problems

  • Avoid reminders of the event

  • Cry, scream, or whimper

  • Become irritable, disruptive, or angry

  • Abuse drugs, alcohol, or tobacco

  • Move aimlessly or become immobile

  • Struggle with school and homework

  • Act disruptively, disrespectfully, or destructively

  • Return to behaviours common at a younger age, such as thumb sucking or bedwetting

  • Complain of physical problem

  • Have physical complaints

  • Develop unfounded fears

  • Feel isolated, guilty, or depressed;

  • Feel depressed, emotionally numb, or guilty over what happened

  • Lose interest in hobbies and interests

  • Have suicidal thoughts

Source: National Institute of Mental Health

Supporting Your Child

  • Children and teenagers will benefit from your reassuring touch—extra cuddling, hugs or just a gentle pat on the back. It gives them a feeling of security and makes them feel safe.

  • Act calm. Children look to adults for reassurance after traumatic events and can pick up on another person’s anxiety.

  • Maintain your usual routines and family rules, such as mealtimes and bedtimes, where possible; this can reassure them that life will be okay.

  • Encourage kids to do activities and play with others. The distraction is good for them.

  • Choose times to talk. Share information about what happened. Allow children to ask questions.

  • Prevent or limit exposure to news coverage. Seeing disturbing events on TV, in the newspaper or on the radio can make them seem to be ongoing.

  • Children cope in different ways. Let your child know it is normal to experience anger, guilt and sadness, and to express things in different ways – for example, a person may feel sad but not cry.

  • Listen and try to understand how your child views the situation. Do not lecture—just be understanding. Let kids know it is OK to tell you how they are feeling at any time.

  • Breathing exercises to relax. Breathing becomes shallow when anxiety sets in; deep belly breaths can help children calm down. You can hold a feather or a wad of cotton in front of your child’s mouth and ask him to blow at it, exhaling slowly. Or you can say, “Let’s breathe in slowly while I count to three, then breathe out while I count to three.” Place a stuffed animal or pillow on your child’s belly as he lies down and ask him to breathe in and out slowly and watch the stuffed animal or pillow rise and fall.

  • Know that it’s okay to answer, “I don’t know.” What children need most is someone whom they trust to listen to their questions, accept their feelings, and be there for them.  Don’t worry about knowing exactly the right thing to say — after all, there is no answer that will make everything okay.

    (based on information from )

How To Get Help

Some people recover from a trauma with no or little additional support, especially if symptoms are mild. However, many people can develop chronic symptoms that can be long lasting. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is the name given to describe these symptoms.

Psychological support can be very effective in helping people with PTSD.

Therapies available include Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) and trauma focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (tf-CBT).

It is important that you visit your GP as soon after a trauma as possible. They can help to signpost you to the most appropriate early support or more specialist psychological services if symptoms persist.

Additional Support and Resources

Anyone can contact the organisations below to get advice and help for a child.

Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families

Visit Anna Freud

Childline Helpline
0800 111

Visit Childline

Family Lives Helpline

For emotional support, information, advice and guidance on any aspect of parenting and family life. Tel. 0808 800 2222

Visit Family Lives

Get Self Help

Visit Get Self Help


Visit Headspace


Visit Kooth

Refugee Council

Wellbeing-support for refugee adults and families with children (asylum-route, VPRS, VCRS and Gateway) and separated children seeking asylum.

Visit Refugee Council

The Mix

Visit The Mix

Young Minds

Visit Young Minds

Information Guides

Helping children cope after a traumatic event:


Parenting a Child Who Has Experienced Trauma PDF

Trauma – Information for Children and Young People

Download Trauma PDF

Safeguarding – All children have the right to be safe from abuse and neglect. If we hear that a child is at risk of harm, we will work to ensure they are safe.

Make A Referral

Before you make a referral please read our referral criteria


What happens to your personal data?

The information that you share with us stays within a dedicated computer system and is stored on a specialist client database called PCMIS. This information does not stay within our website and submitted referrals are not stored within the website environment or with any other third party. Referrals are transmitted directly into our database. This ensures that personal data is stored safely and securely in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. This is only accessed and used to plan and monitor CHUMS support.

We regularly share information with other professionals including CAMHS and Early Help. This is to ensure that we are working together to provide every young person with the right support at the right time.