At this moment in time, we have a limited service offer. Should you require support, please make a referral below via the referral forms at the bottom of the page and we will get back to you.
Should you need immediate support then please contact your GP or local A&E. Alternatively, you can call NHS 111 – Option 2 for Mental Health Crisis Support – available 24 hours, 7 days a week.
We offer support in a variety of ways to children, young people and their families across Luton and Bedfordshire.
Children experience the pain of loss just as much as adults, although their reactions will depend on their age, maturity and understanding of events. Adults often try to protect children from the pain of the loss, perhaps feeling that they are too young to understand, or that talking about the loss will be too distressing. However, our experience in supporting families has shown that it can be more helpful to talk to children, whilst remembering the following:
Be age appropriate
Be sensitive
Be honest
Experience has shown us that children can gain a great deal from meeting others of their own age who have had similar experiences and, if given the chance to understand events and to express their own feelings, they can learn to adjust to their loss.
The Bereavement Service is an organisation established from a wide range of experienced, trained professionals and volunteers throughout Bedfordshire and Luton.
CHUMS Offer Bereavement Support Through:
Bereavement Groups for Parents/Carers, Children and Young People
1:1 Bereavement Support
Parent/Carer Psycho-education Workshops
Ongoing Monthly Bereavement Groups – for Parents/Carers, Children and Young People
Telephone Advice and Guidance
Bereavement Literature
Service User Testimonial
“It was helpful to understand that it’s not just my child going through it and it helped in understanding my child’s behaviour. And, for me that how I am feeling is not out of the ordinary, there is no time limit and that it is not unusual for my feelings to keep cropping up years later”
– Parent
Service User Testimonial
“I enjoyed the fun things we did and the clay throwing”
– Child
Service User Testimonial
““Russ took the time to explain ways to help; very thoughtful. I can’t thank Russ enough, how he helped through a very hard time. Thank you again for the fantastic support that you have given ******. You have helped me approach things in a way that I wouldn’t have thought of before and I certainly wouldn’t have been able to give ********** the understanding before this. It’s been a tough time and I can’t imagine how much harder it would have been if ********* felt misunderstood and I couldn’t support her in the new approach”
– Parent
Service User Testimonial
“They listened to us”
– Child
Service User Testimonial
“Very good service. Children have really enjoyed being here and have felt in a safe environment to talk about things. Also gives them confidence to know they are not alone, and others are also experiencing loss”
– Parent
Service User Testimonial
“Doing the memory jar and the painting”
– Child
Service User Testimonial
“I believe it has helped me for the first time I felt understood and got to meet other people going through the same thing that I was facing at the moment”
– Parent
Service User Testimonial
“Making the memory jar”
– Child